Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

auris media (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Current level auris media (par) Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
56513 7162 tax
auris media (par)
middle ear (pair)
56461 594 tax
cavitas tympani
tympanic cavity
77677 8190 tax
walls of middle ear (pair)
58376 8193 tax
subdivisions of tympanic cavity (pair)
52750 768 tax
ossicula (par) P4 53 children
auditory ossicles (pair)
60063 7210 tax
joints of auditory ossicle (pair)
60878 7214 tax
ligaments of auditory ossicle (pair)
40026 1675 tax
muscles of auditory ossicles (pair)
49028 7222 tax
musculus tensor membranae tympanicae
tensor tympani muscle
49027 7223 tax
musculus stapedius
stapedial muscle ; stapedius muscle
59663 7224 tax
mucosa of middle ear (pair); mucosa of tympanic cavity (pair)
52737 544 tax
os temporale
temporal bone
9705 7234 tax
auditory tube (pair) ; pharyngotympanic tube (pair)
13 lines
38.5 %
38.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the paries auris mediae, several new terms have been added giving credit to clinical findings (from Mansour S. Magnan J, Ahmad Hh, Nicolas K, Louryan S 2019 Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear, 2nd ed. Springer, Cham).
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 7162
Sublist 1 768 ossiculus auditus 53/18 on 13.5.2018
Sublist 2 7210 articulatio ossiculorum auditus 11/4 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 3 7214 ligamenta ossiculorum auditus 23/8 on 12.9.2020
Sublist 4 7224 tunica mucosa cavitatis tympani 50/17 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 5 7234 tuba auditiva 54/19 on 1.4.2018
Sublist 6 8190 paries auris mediae 164/60 on 30.7.2024
Error in sublist Found children 166
Sublist 7 8193 divisiones cavitatis tympani 18/7 on 30.7.2024
Subtotals subchildren 373 subunits 133
Proper children 14
Invalid check Found children: 389
Proper units 6
Number of units 139 (validated)
Signature 3909 (validated since 30.7.2024)
Date: 24.03.2025